Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I survived cleansing day 1 - March 28

Important Note:
1. Keep a lot of tissue because you will be visiting the bathroom a lot of times in the morning- Wet Wipes and Dry Ones.
2. Buy the strainer and juicer, it will make your life easier. (I don't have it yet)
3. Try to find purified water, I only managed to get "reverse osmosis processed" water. I'am not sure if it's the same.
4. Distract your self while your drinking the salt water mixture. I was supposed to drink 4 glasses but 
I only took 3 because I felt like puking.

Cost :
Extra Lemon : 14 RM
Water and Tissues : 15 RM

So I did it! I survived yesterday's first cleansing day. I have to admit that every moment I was thinking of food. It wasn't easy.

Today I did the salt flush and it was hell. It felt like drinking sea water. I must have spent an hour going in and out of the bathroom after I jugged down the mixture. So looks like it's working.

So now it's cleansing day 2. I did my exercise this morning and I was so full of energy. 
Later I will post the exact recipe of this cleansing diet.

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