Thursday, April 4, 2013

Last Day of Master Cleansing (10th day) in Kuala Lumpur

This is the morning of my last Master Cleansing Day.
At the beginning of this post I mentioned that my
Current weight is - 97 pounds
and my Target weight is - 86 pounds

I'm now 90 pounds, which according to the online BMI calculator, is just the right weight for me.
The video camera can make you look a little bit more "extra" than you are, so I'm going to have to video myself and decide if I'm happy with my current weight. (I'm a professional singer so this is all important to my job)

I didn't do any exercise at all yesterday as I'm rushing some projects. I'm back on schedule and if I stick to it, I will be able to finish my work on time for the deadline. I don't think I will do any exercise today too. I will just finish up my coaching work and finish up my deadlines.

At the end of this master cleansing posts, I will write a comprehensive guide to what I did during the process. I will also post a before and after picture.

You know, not a lot of people are aware that I'm actually at the midst of a very sensitive period of my life right now.  But I have no time as of the moment to succumb to sadness and frustrations.
You'll  know something is not right once I start doing things a little bit over the top. I tend to use the negative energy to fuel positive actions.
I have to be strong, I have to move forward, I have to get things done ! ....and so please help me do what is right not only for others..but for myself

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