Friday, March 29, 2013

Survived day 3 ! Day 4 today ! Master Cleansing in Kuala Lumpur

My thought processing is slowing down....or maybe it's just lack of sleep.

I do not feel week...but I feel dazed... I have to find out whether it's the diet or I just need more rest. 

I finished the bottle of mapple syrup so I headed down to bangsar grocer to pick up another one and a couple more things.

Total Cost : 120
Juicer 15.20 RM
Bottled water, 2 packs of Lemon, Grade D Maple Syrup

I know it is recommended to get Grade B , but I believe Grade D is the finest I can get here in KL. Besides, I do not know where to get grade B. I even had a hard time looking for the juicer around the local grocery shops.

My class is full today! See you tomorrow!

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