Saturday, March 30, 2013

Master Cleansing Day 5 (survived day 4) and Notes About My Sweet Short Legs

I've been craving to eat solid food. But alas I'm on my day five , and just five more days to go ! I'm trying to be extra patient and careful in my classes because I realize I'm feeling a little bit grumpy! I'm taking two days off from exercise. Tomorrow I will start doing my cardio again.

Here is the 10 min abs exercise I'm trying to do everyday !
 Studying my body , I found out that I need to work on my glutes!
How to make your sweet short legs work for you?

(do you have short legs?)

My glutes needs work. I have beautiful big glutes but it needs to be shaped. I have a long way to go.
 Some small girls look balanced because their torso and legs are in proportion.
 I have a long torso and short legs. 
I  love my natural physique...I only intend to enhance it! Marilyn Monroe and a lot of beautiful ladies have short legs. I know that with proper dressing, we can create an illusion of being proportionate.
 But I'm not looking for a quick fix so what I'm thinking is :
 If I lift my bum-bums and work on slimmer legs, then I might get a closer look to a proportionate body which the human eye, most of the time, finds appealing.

I managed to drag one friend to the pole routine I'm planning to take on May.
For now, I think I will join jazzercise  again to help out with toning. 


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